Splint & TMJ Therapy

If you have noticed clicking in your jaw, sore jaw muscles or frequent headaches, you may be suffering from tempromandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. This is a common but debilitating problem, which can affect your jaw movement, what you eat, and your ability to concentrate.

The treatment that is usually recommended for TMJ disorder is a bite splint. This is a specially fitted, plastic mouth-guard that you wear at night to ease the pressure on your jaw joints.

How we work

Bite splints are also effective in reducing complications associated with teeth grinding, as the plastic in the splint wears away in place of your own tooth structure.

Treating these problems may require several visits, radiographs of the jaws and jaw joints may be needed. After an initial consultation to review your jaw joints and muscles, impressions of your mouth are taken and sent to a dental technician who makes the splint. This usually takes one to two weeks. After this time, you return to have the splint issued and adjusted.

Please call Smile Dentistry on (02) 9818 3951 or book an appointment online.

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